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Activities of the Third Edition of the Libya Energy and Economy Summit

Who are we

The National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) is a house of expertise, enjoys legal personality and independent financial disclosure and is affiliated with the Council of Ministers


The NESDB is a pioneering institution that leads change towards stability, development and building of the nation


Results of the Opinion Survey on Key Societal Issues

It is a platform that presents the results of the opinion survey on the key societal issues that concern the Libyan citizen.

National Youth Development Indicators Platform

It is a platform that presents key indicators on the status of youth, fed by the results of the first national survey on the youth situation for the year 2023.

Economic Indicators Platform

It is a digital platform for publishing all economic data issued by official local and international entities

Programs and Projects of NESDB

NESDB’s programs aim at developing municipalities and national institutions, as well as offering job opportunities and reducing unemployment

Improving economic and social performance and efficiency. Achieving stability and comprehensive development, and raising the standard of living

Supporting the government by presenting initiatives, proposing economic and social policies, evaluating their effects, encouraging community dialogue, and promoting the principle of decentralization, to achieve stability and sustainable comprehensive development

Based on the tasks entrusted to the NESDB in relation to conducting studies and research, and believing in the importance of scientific research in economic and social development, some studies related to economic and social fields have been conducted in Libya to ensure the dissemination of knowledge and give scientific and logical explanations for certain phenomena
The Council prepared a plan aimed at supporting and developing local administration (municipalities) for the years 2017–2018. The plan included four main pillars, each comprising a set of projects

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